Coping With Grief and Depression [Free Top 5 Cranes Beak Bushcraft including Canoe Rescue]

There are 5 stages of grief.: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. In this post I want to focus on coping with grief with the last one, Acceptance. I have experienced all the anger and sadness associated with this. It was only after careful reflection that I realized that something was guiding me. I would go through a grief fit and immediately get very tired and start yawning. I didn’t get it. It wasn’t until I learned of Neville Goddard’s teaching where he denotes our imagination as Jesus Christ. The video is called Self talk creates reality. 

The next part is to realize that if Jesus was our imagination then our subconsciousness Has to be the father.How does this apply to us? It means that we just have to invite our lost one to visit our dreams. I didn’t get confirmation of this until my aunt had passed on. I said out loud that I would leave a spot for her to visit. I was pretty broke up until I dreamed about her. It was like she was showing me that she was fine. She showed me her house. It was like a great weight was lifted off my shoulders. I call this phenomenon the glimpse. This is coping with grief. Look up

John 14:2,3- “In my Father’s house there are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself; That where I am, there you will also be.”

Our Lord is literally using his Imagination to describe heaven. We should follow his example and definitely leave a spot for him.

Some people might take offense to the use of the Lord in coping with grief, by using your imagination. It's probably the fact that having a portable direct link to the Lord that’s not beholden to a church. That and I think it's simply the lense that he completely sees us. Both inside and out.

Next I want to talk about after the death of a loved one and the concept of christain charity. Treating others as the one that you have lost or as you should have treated them. That is , of course, if you’re not mad at that person. In that case refer to the golden rule. Finally, I want to talk about the roles of those that were lost. Survivors or friends may have to take up those roles. I remember when my brother passed, I knew that I had to stick around or my family would implode. After my aunt died suddenly I bought a house near a lake. Just as she had expressed as a dream of hers. It was as if she were working behind the scenes to make it happen. Just doing the things that they loved is the best way of coping with grief or taking up a new hobby to get your mind off of the loss.

Checkout the Free Top 5 Cranes Beak Bushcraft including Canoe Rescue. Form at bottom.

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So the last thing I wast to discuss is the things left unsaid, unforgiven, and undone. We must realize that once you have known someone , they become a part of us. You only have to say aloud what was not said, forgive yourself and do what you wanted to do if they were still alive. I’m a firm belivever in the idea that are love ones are seated in the theatre behind our eyes. We just have to put on a good show for them.